Monday 30 January 2012

Word improvement

Every Monday, students will bring home a word improvement book. In this book, you will find words your child has misspelled over the past two weeks. Please take the time to do Weekly Spelling Activities using these words with your child. Some words may resurface a few weeks later if your child continues to misspell the same word.  Thank you for your continued support.  Please send the word improvement book to school every Friday!

Monday 23 January 2012

23-27 janivier

Un attribut
Un diagramme Venn
Un diagramme circulaire
Un pictogramme
Un tableau de fréquences

Monday 16 January 2012

Sunday 8 January 2012

Copie les phrases suivantes et choisis le bon homophone.  (Copy le following sentences using the right homophone)
Hand in your work to Mme Audy to be corrected


  1. Deux petites filles ______ joué dehors.
  2. Ils____ faim.
  3. ___ danse ensemble.
  4. Ils _______ toujours des carottes dans leurs dîners.  
  5. ____ joue au parc.